Don Hickey

iFilmGroup International Film Festival (IFGIFF) -Winter 2020 -Spring 2021

March 27, 2021 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight time

Southwestern Ontario - Canada
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent

iFilmGroup IFGIFF Logo.jpg

iFilmGroup International Film Festival 2020-2021
IFGIFF Has Announced Its Winners

The IFGIFF - iFilmGroup International Film Festival is happy to announce the winners for the 2020-2021 IFGIFF; the winners were announced on their Facebook page on March 27, 2021.

The following categories and winners were announced:

Best Director- Sadie Rose- August

Best Micro Short Film- Hinterland Election Night

Best Short Film- August

Best Lead Actress- Ashleigh Morrison- Goldfish

Best Lead Actor- Max Steinberg- What Normal Boys Do

Best Actress Under 18- Ashleigh Morrison- Detainee X

Best Actor Under 18- Max Steinberg- Afreen

Best Ensemble Cast- Hinterland Election Night

We would like to congratulate all the winners and nominees., and for your participation and interest in the IFGIFF.

For more information about iFilmGroup at or Facebook

London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada

Movie "Not Ready" Completes Shooting Schedule

OCTOBER 21, 2019 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight time

Southwestern Ontario - Canada
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent

Movie "Not Ready" Completes Shooting Schedule on Day 10

A scene from movie “Not Ready” produced by © 2019

A scene from movie “Not Ready” produced by © 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019, will be remembered for a long time by the production crew and actors with the movie “Not Ready”. An Autumn day with sunshine and warm temperatures were required to shoot the scene. The scene was shot in Dorchester, in southwestern Ontario.

The weather was perfect. This day was hoped for by production people, that were eager to shoot this scene with perfect conditions The Autumn colours and the backdrop had to be perfect and match up with previous footage shot earlier in Parry Sound, Ontario.

There’s a lot of dynamics that make this scene special to the production:

  • This scene completes the shooting of this feature film.

  • Youth stage actor George Crosby plays an integral character in this production.

  • Matthew Fenner debuts his acting skill in this production.

  • This is the 10th and final day of the scheduled shooting of this feature film.

Actors Matthew Fenner and George Crosby in scene from feature movie “Not Ready”. ©

Actors Matthew Fenner and George Crosby in scene from feature movie “Not Ready”. ©

This movie… “Not Ready” created a network between 6 communities in Ontario:
Toronto, London, St. Thomas, Parry Sound, Dorchester and Chatham - Kent.

Through iFilmGroup, this film engaged actors and crew of all ages (inter-generational) and used multi-cultural talented actors from Toronto, London and St. Thomas and surrounding areas.

Movie "Not Ready" Completes Shooting Schedule on Day 10.

London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada

Autumn Colours: Backdrop in Outdoor Scene

Filming of movie “Not Ready”, being shot by m & s Marshall Productions, in southwestern, Ontario has autumn colours as a backdrop. This is a final scheduled scene to be shot for the “well talked” about dramatic film produced by iFilmGroup.

One more day will be required for shooting this film.
This last day of shooting will be in the Fall of 2019 when the leaves change to their autumn colours and will only require 2 actors and a small crew.

Movie “Not Ready” Media Promo Picture by

Movie “Not Ready” Media Promo Picture by

London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada