Your Future in Films

Safety Controlled Sound Stages

Safety Controlled Sound Stages

iFilmGroup Controlled Sound Stages icon.png

Pandemic Scrambling and Safety Measures

iFilmGroup Leads The Way in the Film Industry
with Safety Controlled Sound Stages

iFilmGroup’s Production Team over several months have researched the film industry struggles with ‘full production of films’. The bigger players in the film industry that have million dollar budgets are deeply struggling. Being bigger at this time may not ‘save them’, their overhead is huge. is an independent (INDIE) film organization operated by donated funds, with all volunteers. For iFilmGroup to continue all mentoring programs it is necessary to have a facility to accommodate interior sound stage filming. We are a small community of dedicated actors, crew and screenwriters that donate their time, talent and money to support existing and in-coming people that want to be a part of the iFilmGroup family.

It is by your donations that our awesome acting and crew workshops and mentoring programs continue.

Under the direction of iFilmGroup’s Community Engagement Manager; Don Hickey, iFilmGroup has obtained space in a warehouse to safely shoot ‘specific sized sets’ for future ‘specialized social distancing’ filming. This warehouse will allow shooting with multiple three walled rooms. Hickey figures once renovations are complete there will be at least 8 rooms for staging. “Just think “Big Bang Theory” set, or any other sitcom set that you might have seen (on a behind-the-scene feature), and that’s what iFilmGroup will have”, Hickey says.

Warehouse accommodations secured… to build ‘sound stages’ for filming

Matthew Marshall of iFilmGroup says, “This awesome ‘real estate’ feature will allow us to continue with mentoring workshops and ongoing filming. Our members (made up of crew and actors) are really excited with continuing their growth and sharing their talent with our mentoring program. Growth will continue and we have a full schedule for the 2021 season.”

Take part in iFilmGroup’s future. Join us as an actor or crew.
Our Production Crew
is steadfast with mentoring others to fulfill their dreams to be successful in the film industry.

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